Привет, %username%! Для оформления нового поста мне необходимо где-то взять новую картинку. Решение нашлось довольно быстро: unsplash.com.

После прочтения документации по API Unsplash я решил скачивать картинку оттуда, после чего изменять ее размер, ибо некоторые из них весят больше мегабайта (а то и двух). В результате моих пыхтений получилось вот это вот:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
# Created by JTProgru
# Date: 2019-08-14
# https://jtprog.ru/

from pyunsplash import PyUnsplash
import requests
from PIL import Image
import os


pu = PyUnsplash(api_key=UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY)

# Dir name for downloading image
tmp_dir = '/tmp/'
# Dir for save resized image
img_path = '/Users/jtprog/workplace/kb/static/images/'

def scale_image(input_image_path,
    Simple function for scale image
    :param input_image_path: - full name to downloaded image
    :param output_image_path: - full name to save scaled image
    :return: None
    original_image = Image.open(input_image_path)
    w, h = original_image.size
    print('The original image size is {wide} wide x {height} '
          'high'.format(wide=w, height=h))

    if width and height:
        max_size = (width, height)
    elif width:
        max_size = (width, h)
    elif height:
        max_size = (w, height)
        # No width or height specified
        raise RuntimeError('Width or height required!')

    original_image.thumbnail(max_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

    scaled_image = Image.open(output_image_path)
    width, height = scaled_image.size
    print('The scaled image size is {wide} wide x {height} '
          'high'.format(wide=width, height=height))

def main():
    # Get one random image
    collections_page = pu.photos(type_='random', count=1, featured=True, query="programming")
    for photo in collections_page.entries:
        # Print Photo ID and Donwload link
        print(photo.id, photo.link_download)
        # Full fine name for download image
        tmp_file_name = tmp_dir + photo.id + '.jpg'
        # Full file name for save resized image
        done_file_name = img_path + photo.id + '.jpg'
        with open(tmp_file_name, 'wb') as handle:
            response = requests.get(photo.link_download, stream=True)
            if not response.ok:
            for block in response.iter_content(1024):
                if not block:
        # If tmp_file_name is file:
        if os.path.isfile(tmp_file_name):
            # Resize image
        # Remove tmp_file_name
        print('File: ' + tmp_file_name + ' deleted')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Думаю тут довольно таки понятно всё, ибо не так много строчек кода и я люблю пишу комменты хотя бы для себя.

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